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Erasmus+ 2018-2021 Iskolák közötti Együttműködési Program

healTH AT School

4rd Project meeting, A productive Erasmus meeting in Targu Mures

The Erasmus project that was launched the previous school year has come to its last turn. The recent mobility was given place by the BFEL – the brother school of the Bela III Secondary Grammar School, Baja – between 9th and 14th March 2020.

Despite the fact that because of the situation caused by the corona virus the partner school in Frankfurt could only join the others online, in cooperation with the Hungarian, the Transylvanian and the Greek participants they all were able to reach all the goals had been set before.

In accordance with the basic idea of the project – maintaining and developing the mental and physical health of young people – dancing was in the focus of this current meeting. Learning the folk dances of different nationalities have strenghtened students’ tolerance, acceptance and cooperative skills, moreover, the participants really enjoyed dancing and they had a good time.

Beside learning Hungarian, Saxon, Romanian, Gipsy, Germanian and Greek dances, the students and teachers took a trip to Sighisoara, Praid, Corund and Sangeorgiu, visited the sights of Targu Mures, and tasted all the local specialities.