Erasmus+ 2018-2021 Iskolák közötti Együttműködési Program
healTH AT School
3rd Project meeting, A ’healthy’ visit to Frankfurt
After the successful meeting in Greece last spring, the Erasmus KA2 project, which started in September 2018 and involves a Hungarian, a Romanian, a Greek and a German school, has been going on steadily.
This time 24 students and 8 teachers took part in an international collaboration in Frankfurt hosted by the teachers and the students of Integrierte Gesamtschule Nordend School. As the title of the project is ’Healthy mind in a healthy body’, the main emphasis was put on educational programmes about healthy lifestyle such as cooking healthy food, getting to know different diets, visiting an organic apple orchard, as well as learning about local history and culture. To strenghten acceptance and tolerance between countries, the students were hosted by German families so they could gain first hand experience about each other’s cultures, moreover, the school where most of the programmes took place is an inclusive one so both students and teachers could see great examples of how physically and/or mentally disabled children are educated by participating in a few classes.
Balykó Noémi, Benkő Mónika and Páli Noémi (project coordinator) supported the preparatory work of the 10 students and helped them during their stay in Frankfurt.
After having spent there 5 busy but definitely memorable days, the participants look forward to the next meeting that is going to be held in March 2020 in Romania.